Prešov - the capital of the biggest region in Slovakia, is the third largest city in the country with 92 786 residents. It is situated along the two banks of the Torysa River. The first written source about the history of the city is the correspondence of the Hungarian King Bela IV dating back from 1247. King Andrew III declared the municipal status of Prešov in 1299. As a result, the city turned into one of the most important centres in the Hungarian Empire and in 1996 it was already a regional centre.
Nowadays, Prešov is famous for its university, its long-lived cultural traditions in the field of theatricals, brass band music and graphic arts.
Only in Prešov:
• The 49th degree of latitude crosses the city;
• a traditional ‘Solnobanska’ (Salt Baths) lace is made in the region of the salinas in Prešov;
• one can see unique mining equipment and buildings;
• an old salt depository of the late Baroque period could be seen;
• a watch tower, which in the past announced the start and the end of the miners’ work shifts and warned against fire hazard, rises up.

The partnership between Gabrovo and Prešov started in 2004 with some written correspondence between the mayors of the two towns in which the two parties stated their strong desire to build up cooperation relationship in all spheres of public life. In the summer of 2005 a written statement of intent on cooperation in the following directions was signed:
• Information exchange between the authorities of the local self-government;
• Support for economic development of the towns;
• Assistance to the sustainable development;
• Experience exchange in regard to the process of European integration;
Hlavna ul. 73,
080 68 Presov,
tel. 0421/517721899
fax: 0421/517733665